About 400,000 people in the US are victims of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a horrible autoimmune disease that devastates the central nervous system.
At the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, Dr. Gary Cutter, professor of Biostatistics at the University of Alabama, said women are now four times as likely as men to get multiple sclerosis: “It started at two-to-one and is now four-to-one.” Researchers found the ratio of women-to-men is increasing by about 50 percent each decade.
The increase is more pronounced in younger people with young women especially contracting it at an accelerating rate.
“This rapid change suggests that it’s not just the disease behaving as usual,” Cutter said. “It is unfortunate, but it is an opportunity and we can use this information to learn what directions we ought to pursue.” Nicholas LaRocca, a VP at the National MS Society, said: “This is an interesting phenomenon, and I’m not sure anyone knows why it’s happening.”
MS is going through the roof and nobody knows why. As a statistician Professor Cutter deals with numbers. We thank him for his fine research. But to the victims of this dread plague it’s more than “unfortunate”, more than “an opportunity” or “an interesting phenomenon”.
It’s time for everyone to see the GORILLA in the Phone Booth.
Women, especially young women, are the greatest consumers of aspartame laced diet colas. Aspartame is also sold NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, Canderel, E951, etc. This toxic chemical has long been recognized by prominent medical authorities as a neurotoxin that both mimics and precipitates multiple sclerosis. But it’s not politically correct to identify such a popular, profitable and addictive product. The producers will fight like wildcats to discredit you.
It takes guts to blow the whistle. But famous MDs have done so, among which are Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock and Dr. H. J. Roberts. Dr Louis Elsas, former Emory University Professor of Pediatrics & Genetics, testified to Congress that aspartame, a teratogen, causes birth defects and mental retardation.
The bitter story of Kim Evans, an aspartame/MS victim:
“In high school I was a big diet soda drinker. In 1983 I became pregnant with conjoined twins, then gave birth to our son and 2 daughters. I drank lots of diet coke during pregnancy with all 3 children. Thinking white sugar was bad for children I pushed sugar-free drinks, Crystal Lite, ice tea with Equal, and sugar free gum to protect their teeth. By the age of about 6 my daughter was diagnosed with colitis, my son at 6 was diagnosed with severe esophogitus and my youngest daughter also developed many abdominal problems. We spent a great deal of time in Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. My son had to have back surgery due to a spontaneous stress fracture and spondylolysis.
“We spent time at Mayo clinic, Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago and Univ of Pennsylvania Hospital trying to get answers. My son has been diagnosed with eosinophilic esophogitus (he is allergic to all food) and cyclic vomiting, but my daughters are still struggling with intermittent abdominal pain. During this entire time artificial sweeteners were given freely to the kids. Who knows how much aspartame has played a part in their health but they were each born healthy and as the years past there health continued to deteriorate. Both of my oldest children have missed years of school and had to be on home education. Of course now, none of the children use artificial sweeteners but they have been on them for a lifetime. They have not experienced the improvements that I have but we are hopeful.”
My own history, by Kim Evans:
January 02 My right foot went numb
February First vision loss, holes in my vision, progressed to losing right field of vision for hours
March Numbness increased up to waist, health quickly deteriorating unknown cause
Went to primary Doctor for Neurological exam: Abnormal, right reflexes hyper.
MRI scheduled.
April 2 lesions found on the MRI. Memory loss became significant problem
Numbness spread to entire right side of body.
Told I did have MS and needed to be followed at hospital of U. of Pennsylvania
Told my friends and family that I had MS.
“May-March 03 MANY tests run at HUP and Presbyterian Hospital and Sheiy Eye Hospital. Symptoms rapidly increased, intermittent field of vision loss, burning in my head, extreme memory loss and fatigue, pain in right arm, joint pain, leg pain, depression, numbness began on left side, eye pain, red eyes, extreme thirst, chest pain, rapid heart beat, hives.
”I began looking into the possibility of disability through work. In the spring of 2003 was told I had central nervous system Sjogrens and possibly MS as well and needed to begin a 2 year chemo treatment of each immuran or cytoxin and should begin immediately. Told due to the decreased saliva production I should always drink diet sodas to protect my teeth. In May 2003 I informed doctors I wanted to delay my treatment until Sept because I direct a camp in the summers in Va and did not feel I could handle the treatment and face my responsibilities. I also informed the people at camp my health was rapidly deteriorating and that I wasn’t sure I would be able to continue at the camp (that I had founded). Doctors strongly encouraged me not to wait for the treatment because the disease was progressing and the damage was irreversible.
”June 2003 While at camp and drinking a diet coke a dear friend, Jack Rosenquist , asked if I knew that diet coke could cause all the problems that I was having. I explained I didn’t believe him but had nothing to lose so I wouldn’t drink one for another year and see what happened. The only thing I had to lose was a chemo treatment I was dreading and praying to live without. In Sept. 2003 Returned to HUP neurology. Major improvements and asked by the Dr if my improvements were a result of starting my treatment. I explained my only treatment was stopping Diet Coke. My memory loss had dramatically improved, the burning in my head stopped, extreme fatigue was gone, arm pain gone, eye pain gone, loss of vision completely stopped, numbness never progressed since the day I stopped drinking diet coke and many more…
”The Doctor said the only way to prove it was to reintroduce it and see if the symptoms returned. I said NO WAY. Sept 03 to spring 04 I continued to feel good and decided that I was willing to reintroduce Diet coke for the good of others so the medical field would know the need to promote this FACT. In the spring 2004 I called the Dr and said t I was willing to reintroduce Diet coke and asked how would he like me to do it. He explained it needed to be controlled and I could only have one per day and needed to journal my reactions. After one Diet coke per day for 4 days I already had burning in my head, extreme fatigue, abdominal pain, arm pain, red eyes….the 4th day I left my daughter at school and couldn’t even remember I was suppose to pick her up(that had not happened since I had stopped drinking Diet Coke). I told my Dr I cannot continue because it’s not SAFE. I never dreamed all the horrible symptoms would return so quickly.
”In Aug 2004 took my sister Roxanne to meet Betty Martini. Sister was diagnosed with MS 9/11/01. She had tremendous pain in her hand and arm. After meeting Betty took aspartame seriously and within 3 weeks had use of her hand and was pain free. This is a very concise summary. Thank you for all your work and thanks again for taking the time to meet with both Roxanne and I. Keep up the GREAT work!!!!!
Love, Kim “
Among the many injuries aspartame visits, it’s also a neurotoxin, which destroys the nervous system. To illustrate: Think of your nerves as the electric wiring in your body. Wires in your house are insulated to prevent short circuits. Our nerves are insulated with myelin sheaths. Aspartame dissolves this protection, and the nervous system “shorts out” as do bare wires when they touch.
Dr. Blaylock is a retired board-certified neurosurgeon with 26 years experience. Visiting Professor of Biology Belhaven College, Jackson, Mississippi. Retired Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of Mississippi.Dr Blaylock is author of three books and thirty scientific papers plus other medical works. He serves on the editorial staff of The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, and acts as a medical advisor to the American Nutraceutical Association. www.russellblaylockmd.com He has an excellent lecture, The Truth About Aspartame, and a DVD on Nutrition & Behavior www.atavistik.com He also publishes the monthly “Blaylock Report.” Here is what he says:
“Controversy has surrounded a claim that aspartame may produce an MS-like syndrome. A current review of recent peer-reviewed scientific studies has disclosed a pathophysiological mechanism to explain this connection. As far back as 1996 it was shown that the lesions produced in the myelin sheath of axons in cases of multiple sclerosis were related to excitatory receptors on the primary cells involved called oligodendroglia. Recent studies have now confirmed what was suspected back then. The loss of myelin sheath on the nerve fibers characteristic of the disease are due to the death of these oligodendroglial cells at the site of the lesions (called plaques). Further, these studies have shown that the death of these important cells is as a result of excessive exposure to excitotoxins at the site of the lesions.
”Normally, most of these excitotoxins are secreted from microglial immune cells in the central nervous system. This not only destroys these myelin-producing cells it also breaks down the blood-brain barrier (BBB), allowing excitotoxins in the blood stream to enter the site of damage. Aspartame contains the excitotoxin aspartate as 40% of its molecular structure. Numerous studies have shown that consuming aspartame can significantly elevate the excitotoxin level in the blood. There is a common situation during which the excitotoxin exposure is even greater. When aspartate (as aspartame) is combined in the diet with monosodium glutamate (MSG) blood levels are several fold higher than normal. With the BBB damaged, as in MS, these excitotoxins can freely enter the site of injury, greatly magnifying the damage. So, we see that dietary excitotoxins, such as aspartame and MSG, can greatly magnify the damage produced in multiple sclerosis. Likewise, excitotoxins have been shown to breakdown the Blood Brain Barrier as well.
”Of equal concern is observation that we know that about 10% of the population (based on autopsy studies of elderly) have MS lesions without ever developing the full blown disease, a condition called benign MS. A diet high in excitotoxins, such as aspartame, can convert this benign, subclinical condition into full-blown clinical MS. The amount of excitotoxins consumed in the average American diet is considerable, as shown by several studies. In addition, the toxin methanol is also in the aspartame molecule. Methanol is an axon poison. Combined toxicity of the aspartate and the methanol adds up to considerable brain toxicity and can convert benign, subclinical MS into full-blown MS. Once the MS becomes full-blown, further consumption of excitotoxins magnifies the toxicity, increasing disability and death.
”Recent studies have also shown that even single exposures to these food-based excitotoxins can produce prolonged worsening of neurological lesions. In addition, it has been demonstrated that autoimmune reactions (as occurs with MS) greatly magnifies the toxicity of aspartate and glutamate (the excitotoxins). We also know liquid forms of excitotoxins are significantly more toxic because of rapid absorption and higher blood levels. In the face of this connection between excitotoxicity and the pathophysiology of MS, it would be ludicrous to allow further use of this excitotoxin containing sweetener..
“The possible mechanisms include formaldehyde-induced protein changes and increased leukotrienes, 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, and other arachidonic acid metabolites after the exposure of macrophages to aspartame (Hardcastle l997).”